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Mg.sc.educ.Educational Sciences

Tuition fee To be confirmed
Application fee €150 one-time

Must be paid to the Liepaja University bank account (details will be given during application). The application fee is non-refundable.

Deposit €500 one-time
More information



The aim of the study program is to promote the development and competitiveness of the teaching, management and research skills of students in the field of education and motivate further academic growth. This programme has been developed in co-operation with three partner universities in Latvia. As a result of passing the program, the master students obtain qualifications to continue their academic research in doctoral studies.

Tasks of the study programme:
- to promote students’ research skills by integrating the latest scientific findings and innovative ideas into research activities;
- to promote the development of students’ pedagogical competence, readiness to plan, implement, evaluate and develop educational activities in accordance with the learning needs of educational target groups, various abilities and prior knowledge, internal and external conditions of educational institutions and education system development;
- to promote the competence of students’ management and leadership by implementing change management;
- to promote student participation and co-responsibility by promoting the development of a competent, responsible and motivated personality for lifelong learning;
- to promote students’ understanding of professional and academic ethics standards and their observance in practical activities.

Programme structure

Programme modules student can choose:
- “Diversity and Inclusion in Education”
- “Teaching and Learning for Competence”

Career opportunities

The programme “Educational Sciences” is an academic programme and is oriented towards the preparation of higher-level managers in education, teachers-supervisors and mentors in any sphere of education. This programme ensures all the necessary preconditions for a successful career related to education in public and private sector.

Apply now! Fall semester 2022/23
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2022
Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2023
Apply now! Fall semester 2022/23
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2022
Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2023