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ELCSEuropean Language and Culture Studies

Liepaja University
Latvia, Liepaja
Faculty of Humanitarian Sciences and Arts
Tuition fee €2,200 per year
Application fee €150 one-time

Must be paid to the Liepaja University bank account (details will be given during application). The application fee is non-refundable.

Deposit €500 one-time
More information



The aim of the program is to provide the students an opportunity to acquire basic academic education and the Bachelor’s Degree in English and French language and culture studies, or in English and German language and culture studies, or in the English and Latvian* language and culture studies, or in English and Russian language and culture studies, or in English and Spanish language and culture studies, promoting acquisition of theoretical knowledge, independent research skills and techniques within the sphere of European language and culture studies, providing an opportunity to prepare oneself for independent professional activity in the spheres.

Achieved C1 or C2 level In English and B2 or C1 level for 2nd language according to CEFR levels.

Programme structure

Main subjects are:

Compulsory study courses – general education humanities studies: Introduction into Culture Studies, World Literature and Culture, Philosophy, Latvian Language for Foreign Students and English language and culture studies, Practical Phonetics, Practical Grammar, Lexico-stylistics, Written and Oral Communication, Culture Studies, 20th Century English Literature in Original Language, Translation Methods and Practice.

Optional study courses – French or German, or Russian, or Spanish, or Latvian language and culture studies: Practical Phonetics, Practical Grammar, Lexico-stylistics, Written and Oral Communication, Culture Studies, 20th Century French or Russian, or Spanish, or Latvian Literature in Original Language, Translation Methods and Practice.

Career opportunities

Uniqueness of this study program is that cultural studies are generally offered to students who already know very well the chosen foreign language, besides mainly only one foreign language has been offered to learn. We have included learning a second foreign language without pre-requisites, students are learning it and improving the level of English in a very high level. We are accenting on learning the culture, literature, arts of chosen languages. The programme is academic, which means that professional orientation can be chosen at the level of the Master’s degree. The programme is coordinated with other Latvian and foreign universities where student can further study in such study programs as Translation, Writing Studies, Foreign Language Teacher, International Relations etc. Many students work in language specialties after getting a bachelor’s degree.

Apply now! Fall semester 2022/23
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2022
Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2023
Apply now! Fall semester 2022/23
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Sept 2022
Apply now! Fall semester 2023/24
Application period has ended
Studies commence
4 Sept 2023